Geocaches may be placed in King County Parks including May Valley, Cougar Mtn, Portions of Squak & Tiger with the permission of King County Parks personnel, or as arranged through SMuddT, the geocaching liaison. Contact SMuddT to have your cache reviewed and approved BEFORE you submit it to Groundspeak for publication.
Cougar Mountain Geocaching Guidelines
- Geocachers must follow all park rules, including hours of availability.
- No geocaching is permitted when the park is closed (dusk to dawn).
- Cougar Mountain does not allow off-trail activity. For geocachers, this means all caches must be placed within 10 feet of a designated trail or other public-access area.
- Caches must be accessible from ground level and be placed so as not to negatively impact any turf, vegetation, or park property.
- All archived caches must be removed promptly. No geolitter!
- No prior permission for cache placement is required if you follow the guidelines.
- Geocaches may be archived or removed at the park’s discretion due to guidelines violations, negative impacts, or other reasons.
- Cache moratoriums may be instituted if appropriate due to cache saturation. (Too many hides near trailheads.)
- Geocaches may be archived or removed at the park’s discretion due to guideline violations, negative impacts, or other reasons.
- Cougar Mountain monitors its geocaching activities through a geocaching liaison. For questions or concerns about caches at Cougar, please contact SMuddT to assist you in getting your cache published.