WSGA GeoLitter Program

Updated: 9/18/2024

In 2007, a local geocacher and WSGA executive board member decided they wanted to start cleaning up our environment by identifying and hunting down archived geocache containers that may or may not have been destroyed, muggled, picked up or left in the wild. This project sat idle since 2009, until we caught wind of it in 2024. The Geolitter Program is in its’ infancy and is by no means a new game. This is an opportunity for us to show the world that geocachers don’t pollute the earth and we go out and do our due diligence. CITO!

These GC codes have been looked through by reading caches descriptions, reading notes, “Written Logs”, “Maintenance Requests”, “Hints”, past logs from DNFs, Founds, etc…We spoke to COs, asked questions and checked to see if they had pulled the cache or not. Whether the geocache was archived by reviewer or CO, we investigated every geocache below.  We’re not perfect, we try our best to figure out whether the containers are still  there. If you see your cache below, please send us a message to let us know if you know the whereabouts of your cache at:

Seattle Metro
Western WA
Eastern WA


Seattle Metro Western WA Eastern WA
GC3508 – knotaklu GCV1CBruck GC6M1Y4Winos_Seattle
GCQVKC GC5Z8Z3flyguymk GC6H2YAWinos_Seattle
GCHBBK GCX7P3Nellie Mayfield RECOVERED Clever_Cachers –  GC9N28Y – 2nd1of3
GC9367 GCK149EraSeek
GCH17T GCQFP9Cachin-Ferrit
GC2E1G1 GC78YH1PugetSoundEnergy
GCAH6H6 GC5Z0HVflyguymk
GC6MX1J GC5JB3Qflyguymk
GC3XGY7flyguymk GC4BAGDflyguymk
GC3VYQAflyguymk GC4AXA7flyguymk
GC3W1DPflyguymk GC4ACDAflyguymk