Board & Contacts

Executive Committee (Elected)

Position Real Name Geocaching Name
President Antoine Pin Winos_Seattle
Vice President Steve Thurin SMuddT
Treasurer Annette Bailes Peach of WA
Secretary Kevin Defields coolcowcachers

Chapter Representatives (Elected)

Chapter Real Name Geocaching Name
48 North Jean Hoffmann Morhoff
Cache-Cadian Eugene Reed Mr. Gadget #2
Inland Empire Elaine Edwards lucymogus
Olympic Peninsula Lori Kienholz-Cassidy SeabeckTribe
Puget Sound Jim Pommert rocketglider
South Central Benjamin Parruzot Tecsomane
Southwest Rhonda Britten HawaiianMaile


Merchandise & Tech Committee / Parks Liaisons (Appointed)

Position Real Name Geocaching Name
Merchandise Manager Kevin Defields CoolCowCachers
Merchandise Minnion Antoine Pin Winos_Seattle
Merchandise Minnion Bryan McGee BryanBeFinding
Wa. State Parks Annette P. Bailes Peach of WA
Seattle Parks Liaison Oleg Barshay OBarshay
King County Parks Liaison Steve Thurin SMuddT
Pierce County Parks Liaison Kevin Defields CoolCowCachers
 Kitsap County Parks Liaison Cathy Cohoon DiscGolfBirdie
 Scouts Liaison Ann Nakamoto AnnScout
Webmaster Mitch Eatough Nepokama
Tech Support Mike Nelson ThePiCacher
Official PIO Linda Huskey lindahuskey
Discord Coord. “Jace” Clever_Cachers

Events Committee (Appointed)

Chapter / Role Real Name Geocaching Name
Co-Campout Mgr Carter Cantrell Cacheingcants
Co-Campout Mgr Annette P. Bailes PeachofWa
Campout Committee 2025 Jim Pommert Rocketglider
Campout Committee 2025 Sally Stomberg JazznCatz
Inland Empire Lynn Holmes IBKing1
Cache-Machines Jim Tollefson Terrible T’s
Puget Sound Antoine Pin Winos_Seattle
48 North Lori Shapiro LovOrcas
Geotour Mgr. Chris Brue NWCats aka Mc3Cats

APE Event Committee (Appointed)

Chapter / Role Real Name Geocaching Name
Director Antoine Pin Winos_Seattle
Co-Director Technology Mitch Eatough NepoKama
Co-Director Operations Andrew Johnson AndrewRJ
Co-Director Logistics Kevin Defields CoolCowCachers
Finance Elaine Edwards lucymogus

*Update (By-Laws*) Committee (Appointed)

Chapter / Role Real Name Geocaching Name
Coordinator Dick Nielsen SkyHawker
Editor / Grammar Nikki Pin Mrs. Winos & 1/2 Pint
Volunteer Gene Reed Mr. Gadget #2
Volunteer Jim Pommert Rocketglider
Volunteer Ivars  Ikstrums PNW_Navigator

P.O. Box 58542
Renton, WA 98058