Welcome to the WSGA’s 20th Anniversary GeoTour page. The WSGA has partnered with the Port of Seattle to celebrate our 20th anniversary with 7 mini GeoTours. You will find useful information about our GeoTour on this page including links to download GeoTour passports as well as info regarding the GeoTour coins.
The 20th anniversary GeoTour consists of 7 small GeoTours that contain 20 GeoTour caches. These GeoTours are spread out across Washington State for a total of 140 geocaches. Each GeoTour cache will have a code unique code that corresponds to a space on the GeoTour passport. The codes can be found on the cache container lid. The GeoTour caches will be managed by each chapter representative with caches being placed by WSGA members. THE GEOTOUR OFFICIALLY LAUNCHED ON SATURDAY OCTOBER 29, 2022. THE GEOTOUR WILL OFFICIALLY END ON TUESDAY DECEMBER 31, 2024.
There are 7 passports, one for each of our 7 chapter GeoTours. Below are the links to the passports:
Inland Empire Chapter Passport
South Central Chapter Passport
Olympic Peninsula Chapter Passport
There will be two GeoTour coins representing different levels of completion of our GeoTours. The first level coin which is called the “daybreak” coin, will be issued to any cacher who finds a minimum of 18 out of 20 GeoTour caches in three different WSGA GeoTours. For instance, if you find 18 GeoTour caches in the N48 GeoTour, the Southwest GeoTour, and the South Central Geotour you would qualify for the daybreak coin. To qualify for any GeoTour souvenir, you must find all 20 caches in that GeoTour to be awarded the souvenir for that GeoTour. To obtain the dusk coin, you must have found a minimum of 18 GeoTour caches in all seven WSGA GeoTours. Below are two different GeoTour coins that are available:
To obtain a GeoTour coin, you will need to send us copies of your completed passports to the following address:
P. O. BOX 58542
RENTON, WA 98058
Make sure that you put your name and mailing address on the bottom of all passports that you submit to us so that we can mail out your GeoTour coin to you.
If you would like to send the passports electronically, you can take a picture or scan your passports and email them to :
Please make sure that all completed passports are clearly legible, especially the bottom portion which shows the mailing address.
We want to thank the Port of Seattle for the grant that helped us fund this GeoTour.
We will update the number of geotour coins we have left on a regular basis.
If you are a WSGA20 Geotour cache owner, please copy and paste the html script message located below to the top of your cache page description as soon as possible.
Thank you clever_cachers for the written html script.
The WSGA’s 20th Anniversary GeoTour will end on December 31, 2024, at 11:59pm PT.
You will only have until this date and time to find the geocaches, post all of your logs for the digital souvenirs (if qualified), and submit all of your passports of unique codes for the geocoins (if qualified). There will be no exceptions.
Hello Chris.
The WSGA board of directors, our volunteer committee members and all WSGA members would like to show you our appreciation for your service as WSGA Geotour20 Manager and for your longstanding commitment to this organization. This Geotour, or should I say, these Geotours, were an ambitious and massive undertaking, and you represented the WSGA with grace and professionalism the entire time you oversaw it.
You organized an army of volunteers to place and maintain 140 containers. From Cougar Mountain to the mouth of the Columbia River, across eastern Washington’s red desert and up Mt. Spokane, these Geotours took adventurers to great heights. Hundreds’ of geocachers from far and wide searched and found at least one geocache. Some found all 140. Staggering! These Geotours have proven to have been a great success.
We would like to simply say, well done and thank you.
Antoine Pin
WSGA President